Cyclone of 2020

The first cyclone faced by Mumbai. When I was searching the web, I found this-
Tropical Cyclone Nisarga
Though I did not actually have to research on the web, because I am seeing it live.

3rd June 2020

 It is not even safe to open the window because on one side things get sucked in, and on the other side, I myself got sucked out.

As I write , it has started thundering. That is how I know that the storm is approaching. The wind is squeezing it's way through the windows to enter our house, as we distance ourselves from the windows as much as we can. But for the first time, I'm not so scared. I am calm and quiet, waiting for the storm to come, so it gets over fast. What I am scared of is the virus

12:36 pm

Rain and wind is increasing by the second; the cyclone is growing closer and closer; we are now 110 Km away only. I just went to my grand parent's house, 1 floor above us. Here, my family and I are waiting. Let it come, we cannot stop it. I tell myself as the five of us see the news, Alibag and Gujrat surrender to the storm.

Landfall- 2:12 pm

Just now, the storm has taken a different route than predicted, heading towards (or rather currently in) Raigadh. It has also crossed alibag.

But that does not affect the horrible weather. It is still stormy. The wind intensity is soooo much that every 5 minutes I must open one of the washrooms to let the air out. The wind and rain is banging against the windows. But I have seen worse. I remind myself, as I recall the time when I had to wade in waist-deep floods last monsoon to reach our school van. At least  you are at home right now.

Here's an article-
Hindustan times- cyclone Nisarga

Just when I thought it was over...

3:31 pm
BOOM! a tree falls. BANG! the wind attacks my windows. Drip! that is the rain water collected on the terrace falling to the ground.
You get the picture. Just when I thought it was over, the cyclone headed towards Panvel, spoiling the almost-settled weather here.

the tree fallen opposite my building

The after effects

4/6/20, 12:45 pm

it was raining cats and dogs, but it stopped now. But I could not call it 'just raining' in the morning. A dark gloomy morning will put any mumbaikar back to bed. In my summer vacations I am used to a shiny mirning despite the rain. 
Another thing that surprised me was  lightning in broad daylight. But I guess it came to tell us that no matter how much the rain, the storm is gone and monsoon is here.

So I guess we'll do that, and make this a memory. not exactly scientific, but a piece of experience, a piece of Cyclone Nisarga


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