Today, im blank

I'm totally blank. I feel like I will never be able to think in the same manner. Its become like a reflex action to go and sanitize or wash hands the moment I step out. sometimes I fell angry, then I feel happy and secured. Now it is discovered that the virus is airborne. now it says that there are 3 other, more deadly viruses. Who says it?? I don't know. Another case in the building beside me. We have learnt to put the virus behind us, but it is impossible to live a carefree life. It is tormenting for everyone


I loose it on people easily, people loose it on me easily. I am like 24x7 on my laptop an i am 1 step away from  my reading glasses' number increasing

you know what all this sounds like? I'M IN A PRISON!! (not literally). But as i earlier said, it is quite of a routine most of the times....

person x
ps. guys pls comment to put forth your views and share my blog!!


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