History MAY repeat itself

 Everything has opened now. I even attend maths and science tuitions offline!

now writing on 18th March, we have no clue what to believe. My grandfather heard some rumour that trains are shutting down. THIS IS NOT VERIFIED. DONT BELIEVE SUCH THINGS UNLESS A PROPER SOURCE IS GIVEN.

Vaccines have come!! 60+ adults, 45+ adults with comorbidity, and frontline workers are allowed to get vaccinated. Frontline workers were given the first dose. All four of my grandparents, who are 60+ git the shots.

However, everyone is expecting another massive wave. Several people have recovered from the virus in our family. We ourselves have had some narrow escapes. Sometimes I feel that covid is a nemises that is set out to get me and is ok to do destruction on its way.


However, I am secretly expecting another lockdown. I personally cannot help thinking they should do a lockdown. When they last shut down Mumbai, we had approx 500 cases. Now cases have peaked so high that the entire Mumbai can be under quarantine. Our school had called teachers, so they were to take online classes from the school. That happened around 3-4 months ago. Now, they school has shut doors again. History MAY repeat itself.

If anyone is reading this in the future, perhaps a history student with a test on Covid 19 Pandemic, here's the scene now:


The junction near my road again gets jammed every day. Traffic jams are back to normal. You won't find anyone wearing masks. Only those who care do. People are eating panipuri at stalls, parties and weddings are on full swing, It feels that people have forgotten the virus. 


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